Monday, October 8, 2007

Journal 2-- Why this Blog???

I found a blog and I’m really excited about it. I searched through google to see if I could focus in on blogs of different subject matters. It is in the category of Activism, that I found the blog It was perfect. The blog is unique in that it incorporates artwork within its blog. The lady who writes her blog choses different themes and experiences to touch upon social issues. Then she attaches a painting or some kind of artwork to express her concern. Whether it is about farmers rights, women's suffrage or charities, she manages show her concerns with her blog and art. I found this particularly fascinating because, for one, I like painting and expressing myself through art and for another, it is an interesting and unique way of reaching out to people about different social issues. I also think that it fits in with this class in the general theme of autobiographical expression. However it goes a step further by adding the artistic perspective to things. If you guys get a chance to take a glimpse of the blog, I think you will know what I’m talking about. It is quite nice and the art itself is really well done. (If you scroll down a bit, there is a sped up video of how she painted one piece. I thought that was really neat.)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
See you all in class,

1 comment:

caroline said...

Good post. I think you're right. It would be good for you to write your research project on women and art. It seems as though your interest is really focused on that topic.